Scrap booking Your Home Remodel
By JR Girskis
Scrap booking your home remodeling project is a fun and easy way to preserve your memories of the process in both photos and words. Whether you’re redoing your kitchen or knocking down entire walls, scrap booking can provide you with before-and-after pictures you can show off to your friends, family, and coworkers. You’ll also have a physical document of the process you can keep for the rest of your life. Below are some tips and tricks for creating a home remodeling scrapbook that'll be as amazing as your actual remodeling project.

1. Buy your scrapbook before you start your home remodeling project.
Take a trip to your local crafts or art supply store and browse through the available scrapbooks. In recent years, scrap booking has become so popular that there are now thousands of scrapbooks and scrap booking materials on the market. Choose a scrapbook that reflects your personality and the feel you want for your remodel. For instance, if you’d like your home remodel to have a classic but stylish feel, you may want to choose a scrapbook with a dark leather cover. If you prefer a more contemporary feel for your home, you might purchase a scrapbook with a bold pattern or stripes. Your choice should reflect how you envision your home to look after its remodel.2. Use your scrapbook to generate ideas for your home remodel.
By keeping a visual reference of the colors and styles you’re drawn to, you’ll be able to generate many creative ideas for your home remodeling project. Browse through magazines and websites for images of home interiors you love. What does your dream bathroom look like? Does it include a clawfoot tub? Classic molding and built-ins? Even if you know you can’t afford what you see in magazines, go ahead and clip out the images and paste them into your scrapbook in your "Ideas” section. You’ll be surprised at the affordable options that are available for your remodel. Remember, just because it looks expensive doesn’t mean there isn’t a cheaper way to do it and still retain quality and durability.3. Use your scrapbook to display paint samples, carpet and flooring samples, and wallpaper and fabric swatches.
Scrapbooks aren’t just for photos and text - you can use your scrapbook to preserve and display a wide variety of items. Think of your scrapbook as your own "mini museum.” What would you like to remember most about your home remodeling project? While you’re in the beginning stages of your remodel, use your scrapbook to compare and contrast various elements, such as paint samples and fabric swatches. After you’ve decided on these elements, you can create another section in the scrapbook that displays the products you eventually choose for your remodel.4. Keep a journal during your home remodel.
Keeping a journal is an easy way to preserve your memories of your remodeling project while also personalizing the experience. You don’t have to write ten pages a day (unless you want to!) - your entries can be brief and to the point, or you can include humorous anecdotes about your experiences, especially if you or your family members are helping out with the remodel. If your scrapbook is organized chronologically, you can add your journal entries as your remodel is being completed. If you choose to organize your scrapbook differently - perhaps dedicating a section to each room that is being remodeled - you may want to focus on one room at a time in your journal, such as "Living Room:Day 1” or "Kitchen: Week 2.” After each day or week of the remodel, you can paste your handwritten journal entries into your scrapbook, or you can type them up and print them out and then paste them into your scrapbook. Your scrapbook will feel much more personal with your own retelling of your home remodeling story.5. Take photos before, during, and after the process.
Use a Polaroid camera or a digital camera to take photos of your home remodel. If you use a traditional camera, you’ll have to wait for the photos to be processed, and the best, most efficient way to scrapbook your home remodel is by doing it as the remodel progresses. This way, your photos and journal entries won’t pile up and turn into an unwieldy project. The idea is for your scrap booking to be fun, not a duty you feel like putting off because it seems like too much work. Remember not to just snap photos of your home: take photos of everyone involved in the project. If you like, you can create smaller scrapbooks to give as gifts to the people who worked on your home remodeling project. It’s a nice way to say thank you, and the people who contributed with have their own "mini museum” displaying the great work they’ve done on your home.For further reading please see our Learn the Basics Homepage