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The Basics: Vinyl Siding Installation

What is siding?

Siding is the outermost layer of your home's structure.


Why is siding important for a home?

Other than helping define the style or look of your home, new siding has several practical attributes. It contributes to energy efficiency and has an updated ability to protect your home's structure from the elements. Additionally, siding can often help sway your potential bargaining power with a buyer.

What is siding made of?

Vinyl, steel, and aluminum are all available, and each has its merits.

  • Vinyl is flexible and forgiving, easily replaced if a section is damaged, and the most popular option.
  • Steel lays more flat and hangs a little straighter than vinyl. It has less noticeable seams, but it's more difficult to replace a section if damaged.
  • Aluminum is durable but less popular. There are fewer color and style options.

Why Suburban?

  • A variety of colors and styles available to match or improve a home's look
  • Suburban installs necessary insulation with updated siding
  • High quality installation insures minimal (if any) maintenance

For more information regarding our siding options, please visit our product page here
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